Meet the team

Veritrek is a software product developed, sold, and supported by LoadPath, a Redwire company. Comprised of engineers with experience working on NASA, USAF, DoD, and commercial programs, the Veritrek team is well suited to help enhance your thermal analysis and produce quality results.

Derek Hengeveld

Principal Investigator at Veritrek

Director of Thermal Solutions at LoadPath

I am the technical lead for Veritrek and have conducted progressive research in the area of reduced-order modeling for over 10 years. My research interests include advanced modeling and numerical methods as applied to thermal systems. Results of my work have been successfully transitioned to applications within the Department of Defense, NASA, and the HVAC industry. I look forward to better understanding your needs and finding solutions to your challenging problems.

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Emmett Nelson

Product Development Lead at Veritrek

Senior Engineer at LoadPath

I am the product development lead for Veritrek. I have worked on developing, commercializing, and taking several of engineering software products to market over the past 20 years. My favorite part of this job is understanding customer needs and then building and delivering a product that meets those needs.


Jacob Moulton

Customer Support Lead at Veritrek

Staff Engineer at LoadPath

I am a Veritrek expert who has been assisting thermal analysts daily to improve their TD models, incorporate reduced-order modeling into their workflows, and understand the Veritrek results. I have worked on designing, developing, analyzing, and testing thermal control hardware for SmallSats; and performed Thermal Desktop analysis services for customers. I am more than happy to help with any thermal analysis or Veritrek questions you have. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

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