What can Veritrek do for you?
Veritrek’s statistical approach to analysis can provide you and your team with a lot more information that you can use to minimize risk and maximize an understanding of your design or mission. We understand that current, standard analysis methods work to complete the task at hand; but as analysts ourselves, we also understand the challenges that arise from these techniques in terms of design uncertainty and it being difficult to draw confident conclusions from analysis results. Current approaches sacrifice risk mitigation and a thorough understanding of results. By sacrificing a greater upfront time investment of generating the reduced-order model from your high-fidelity model, Veritrek prioritizes providing you with a complete understanding of your model’s design space and minimizing mission risk by giving you access to thousands of simulation results in just a few seconds.
See how some of our customers are using Veritrek to perform previously infeasible sensitivity studies, design optimization studies, trade studies, model correlation efforts, parametric sweeps, 3D response surfaces, and much more.
Success Stories
What is Veritrek?
Veritrek is a software suite built to work with Thermal Desktop to enhance solutions using reduced order modeling (ROM). The Veritrek Creation Tool allows you to easily create a ROM. The Veritrek Exploration Tool allows for rapid thermal analysis and easy results viewing.
What can you do with a ROM?
Veritrek enables users to EXPLORE, VERIFY, and IMPROVE a thermal design in ways that were previously not feasible using traditional analysis techniques. The Veritrek Exploration Tool provides several analysis types you can use to learn more about your thermal design.
Optimization Analysis allows you to plot the results of thousands of combinations of inputs, to quickly see your entire design envelope. Use this to assess all the corners of your design space.
Screening Analysis shows you the relative importance that an input factor has on an output response. Use this to observe the parameters on which your design efforts should be focused.
Correlation Analysis enables rapid and repeatable model correlation.
Surface Plot Analysis shows you the change in an output response over two varying input factors. Use this to locate the global and local max and min values of your trade space, during a design optimization or design sensitivity study.
Factor Sweep Analysis allows you to view the change in an output response over one varying input factor. Use this to assess your design variability and gain a deeper understanding of your thermal model’s behavior and design drivers.
Point Analysis shows you the unique output response values for a discrete set of input values. Use this to perform “worst case” analyses during design verification studies.
When can you use Veritrek?
At any point throughout the life of a thermal design, Veritrek can be used to perform:
trade studies early in the design process
sensitivity studies of a more detailed design
verification of a finalized design
real-time analysis during design implementation and mission operation.