Perform a Cost and Mass Trade Study
How To Resource Guide
Meet the mission’s mass and cost budget
Veritrek enables users to EXPLORE, VERIFY, and IMPROVE a thermal design in ways that were previously not feasible using traditional analysis techniques.
Using Veritrek, trade studies evaluating different thermal design options can be performed faster and easier than using traditional thermal analysis techniques, which typically only analyze a few discrete worst-case scenarios. The following example demonstrates how Veritrek can be used to directly compare the thermal performance, mass, and cost trade-offs between four different thermal designs of a 6U CubeSat.
By providing you with thousands of data points and several easy-to-read plots that communicate all of this information to your team, Veritrek gives you the power to focus on improved and optimized design solutions. Veritrek enables a sensitivity study to be performed quickly and efficiently, giving teams better understanding of their thermal design space and giving you more high-quality thermal design information to make smarter, data-driven decisions.
What is Veritrek?
Providing Industry Leading Thermal Analysis
Veritrek is a software suite built to work with Thermal Desktop to enhance solutions using reduced-order modeling (ROM). The Veritrek Creation Tool allows you to easily create a ROM. The Veritrek Exploration Tool allows for rapid thermal analysis and easy results viewing.